Friday 6 April 2012

Ed Yong's Article

Dolphins deserve Human Rights
The article relates a quantity of attempts, which has been made by the man to communicate with animals through the history, specifically it mentions the case of Flipper, the dolphin which appeared on tv as the main character of a famous movie.  Moreover, it persuades us to make a reflection about what does communication and language mean? and then it provides us some examples of communication with animals and the intelligence associated with them; finally giving us the opportunity to think about it.

Now, in my opinion I think that animals have intelligence, they have survived for a long time, really I don't believe that it means because their nature survival sense; I think it's their capacity of reasoning.  As Ed Yong tell us there are a lot of studies that announces interesting experiment applied to animals where they could demonstrate their ability to communicate.  To communicate as human beings is a process where many elements take action inside our brain, so it's a complex task, so if animals communicate they possess this kind of intelligence, maybe it's not the same as human beings, but a similar one.

Finally, my personal opinion of communication is related with the idea to express our emotions with/without language.  It could be through verbal communication or with gestures; so in this case if animals have been learning about giving signals, I think it's a way of communication where two or more participants can express their ideas.


  1. Tru;that is called nonverbal communication and we as humans use a lot of this kind of language in situatios that we are nor even aware of....

  2. Mabel,
    I think you are right about the animals and the way of communication that they have, even when they cannot talk it doesn’t mean that they cannot communicate among them.
    Also I would like to highlight your sentence “what does communication and language mean?” I think you have a grammar mistake, communication and language are two things therefore they are plural and you have to use DO instead of Does or maybe I understood in a wrong way.
    Even so, I liked your comments about animals.

  3. You are right... thank you!!!!
