Friday 6 April 2012

The writing process

It is a complex process divided in different stages where it must to be considered the following:
    • Understand the title of the writing
    • Assess the reading texts
    • Select relevant areas of texts
    • Make notes on relevant areas
    • Using paraphrasing and summarizing skills
    • Select appropriate structure for essay/plan
    • Organize and write main body
    • Organize and write introduction
    • Organize and write conclusion
    • Critically read and re-write where necessary
    • Final proof reading.
Writing for different purposes seems to be complicated, because in some cases you have to write for convince people about something, another ones, which you have to write for giving some advice or sharing some extra information about some specific topic, also for telling the people about some episode that you lived in an explicit way, and so on...  The thing is you have to be clear whether your text is argumentative, narrative, expository or maybe descriptive.  

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