Sunday 8 April 2012

Summary writing

Summarizing a text means to be precise and concise with the relevant ideas at the moment you are doing a summary.  To describe full details related with the topic and to repeat the data through the body of your text, could be a waste of time, nobody can read the same topic during huge lapses of time. Nowadays, our society is concerned into be practical, people are not interesting in repetitions and reading full details about something, they need enough characteristics to understand a text, and no more than that.
On the other hand, you have to be careful at the moment of making a good summary; you have to be clear of highlingting the main ideas of the text, read and re read the information you need is a good technique, check the vocabulary, make note about the relevant data to re organize the ideas through the body of your essay and to avoid omitting some ones give you some interesting features to develop a good summary.

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