Sunday 8 April 2012

Developing plans from titles

This stage is focused on the title.  You have to be clear what is the objective of the title, what is the answer do you have to provide through the body of the text.  Do you need to describe something?, or maybe is it necessary to contrast two ideas?, and so on.  In addition, this stage gives you clues about the development of the body of the text where you are going to demonstrate with facts that the question assigned in the title has been solved.
On the other hand, the text is divided into 4 steps.  the first one is the title itself, the question that you need to solve; the second one is the introduction where you can express the ideas that you are going to develop through it; the next one is the main body where you give some descriptions about the main subject, telling the readers the pro and against the topic or something similar, it depends on the topic; and the final one which is the conclusion where you demonstrate the results of your subject.

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